Bespoke Editing Services

What are Bespoke Editing Services?

That is a great question! Everything is bespoke these days, but editing seems such a straightforward concept. Indeed, I will offer you straightforward copyediting or developmental editing, if that is what you require, but my real talent lies in the kind of granular, meaning-focused analysis that will help you to improve your skills as a writer. In short, I would like to equip you to need less editing in the future--even to be your own editor, as I am mine.

If all you need is basic, predictable editing, let me know, and I will be happy to serve. If, however, you are interested in a collaborative process of going through each change and understanding the combined grammatical, linguistic, and usage-based reasons why changes must be made (and understanding, moreover, what chronic mistakes are holding your writing back), then you are looking for bespoke editing services.

Either way, fill out the form on the main page, and let's get started!

What qualifies you to offer such services?

Another great question! It would not be unfair to say that I have dedicated my life to the study and exploration of the glorious English language--as a reader, as a writer, and as an academic. Yet I am more than a decade on from my education, for which I received a Visual Arts degree (I was going for a double major with English, but I fell two papers short). In that decade plus, however, I have held jobs that exposed me to a variety of professional contexts for creative writing, including work as a tutor, as a creator of promotional videos, and as an alt text writer.

Through all of these, I have kept (and honed) my keen editor's eye, and I have longed to return to the work I most enjoyed. If all of that is not convincing, I will say only this of my skills as an editor: I may, in my career, have overlooked a grammar or style error in written text, but I am not aware of any such failing.

In the last year, I have dedicated myself more fully to the pursuit of writing, finishing two-and-a-half books for a planned fantasy series. Simply exercising my talent has taught me more about the writing process than I could have imagined, and my education is nowhere near finished. I look forward to sharing what I've learned...and to continuing my education through your work.

What kind of service do I need?

For the answer to that and other logistical questions (including fees), head over to my catalog.

Why does the name of this website reference an obsolete mechanic?

Okay, you may not have asked this one, but if you did, you're probably giving my editing services the proverbial side-eye. Let me reassure you. A lot of my exposure to the written word has come through classic literature, and, as a writer, I tend to prefer some older or more obscure mechanics and usages. That said, I have grown accustomed to adapting to various style guides (including the rather technical specifications of alt text), and I do not allow personal preferences to govern my editing work. When I present my services as "bespoke", I do so in full readiness to follow whatever style guide matches the needs of your project.

I don't have editing work, but I do want to get in touch!

Sweet! Feel free to email me,

Sorry, who are you?

My name is Ingrid Russmann, and I am just another weary writer trying to make sense of this glorious world on my way through it. When I'm not writing or editing, I'm doing a dozen other projects, avoiding sleep at all costs, or lecturing anyone within hearing distance about TV theory. I'm currently writing a fantasy series and trying to get paid to do what I love most.